windowmaker 65 1 and _Xsetlocale

Wed Aug 22 15:22:00 GMT 2001

Andrew Markebo wrote:

>Why are -lX11 FIRST in the command line?? It gets ignored because gcc
>aren't missing any of the symbols in it.. 
>Is it the windowmaker configuration that are wrong, or some messup
>when configuring for cygwin-xfree??
nah, it's me not knowing where to put it and manually spamming it 
through out the Makefile in hopes that one of them would work. (never 
blame on the developer that which can be attributed to user error)

>Ben, try to do that command-line but add -lX11 to the end of the
>compilation line.
ok,  give me a couple of minutes to get the tree untared and i'll see 
what happens :)



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