[ANNOUNCEMENT] Server Test 45

Harold Hunt huntharo@msu.edu
Tue Aug 28 16:28:00 GMT 2001


> It works pretty well with mozilla now but unfortunately it now
> opens a console window when it's getting started. The previous
> version didn't do that. I'm starting the server using a windows
> shortcut.

Oops.  I had flipped a build switch locally that stopped the console window
from being opened.  I had never intended for those builds to be released,
but I must have messed up somewhere along the way and started releasing

I have to leave the console window enabled for now, as it allows people to
send in bug reports for us; running XWin.exe from a console doesn't help
either, no messages will be shown.

The ultimate solution is to write a platform dependent version (I think this
can be done), of the ErrorF function that logs to a file instead of to the
console.  Any volunteers?


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