
E. Lassauge ros_at1@muzillac.tls.mms.fr
Wed Aug 29 04:42:00 GMT 2001

	Hi everybody,

I recently ported xlockmore (5.01.2) to CygWin/XFree 4.1.0 and I have
some questions:

- how and where can I announce the porting (form page on web site didn't
anything) ?
- what is the prefered define to use in source code (I used __CYGWIN__)
- what is the real logo to use for a cygwin system (I used a modified
version of the .ico file) ?
- I made a special binary package for this version (and I'm currently
working on the latest alpha: 5.02ALPHA09) containing the freetype 1.3.1
library and the gltt-2.5 library. These where generated with the
configure, make,
make install stuff (aka I think they are only static libraries - ?).
it better to have 2 other packages with DLLs ?
- these versions were linked with the XFree provided GL libraries, isn't
it better
to use the specific latest/opengl/opengl-1.1.0-5 ? What are the
differences ?
- is a specific web page for applications planned (like the GNOME
map for example) ?

- the modifications are allready included in the source by the package
- package is available at http://lassauge.free.fr/xlock/
- Xlockmore page at http://www.tux.org/~bagleyd/xlockmore.html
- GNOME software map : http://www.gnome.org/applist/
	      |	Eric Lassauge                         |
	      |	         ASTRIUM / TRASYS-G2I         |
	      |	       lassauge@mail.dotcom.fr        |
	      |	     ros_at1@muzillac.tls.mms.fr      |
	      |	       http://lassauge.free.fr/       |

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