X selection

E. Lassauge ros_at1@muzillac.tls.mms.fr
Thu Aug 30 02:21:00 GMT 2001

I'm using the latest Cygwin/XFree86 (XWin-Test44) and I have
a question on the sharing of the X selection and the Windows
clipboard. How can I get for example the selected lines on
a xterm window in the Windows clipboard ? If I remember well
on Exceed, X selections could me automaticaly copied to the
Windows clipboard (and "vice-versa" - How do you tell that
in english :-< )

	      |	Eric Lassauge                         |
	      |	         ASTRIUM / TRASYS-G2I         |
	      |	       lassauge@mail.dotcom.fr        |
	      |	     ros_at1@muzillac.tls.mms.fr      |
	      |	       http://lassauge.free.fr/       |

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