Your XDMCP patch for Win 95

Alexander Gottwald
Tue Dec 4 00:51:00 GMT 2001

On Tue, 4 Dec 2001, Watzlavick wrote:

> Hi,
> I am having trouble getting XDMCP to work with Windows 95 and a RedHat
> 7.1 Linux box.  I have other X-terminals working fine but the Cygwin one
> doesn't work.  I downloaded your patch (cygwin1.fixed-netdev.dll.bz2)
> but it appears to be for Cygwin version 1.3.3 while the current version
> I have is 1.3.6-1.  I tried to downgrade my version but I couldn't find
> the old files anywhere.  If I use your patched DLL, I get an error about
> missing exports in the DLL.

You don't need this patch anymore. It is in cygwin since 1.3.4.
I'll throw a comment to the page.

Did you have problems with xdmcp and the unpatched 1.3.6 cygwin?
What was it?

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