Can't start X

Luc Ferran
Wed Jul 4 02:17:00 GMT 2001

Hi Suhaib

> Hi all,
> Using cygwin 1.3.2 with last Cygwin/Xfree binary distribution, I can't

> start X server.
> gives :
> Fatal Server error:
> could not open default font 'fixed'
> Where can'I search informations to understand?

>You do not have required fonts installed.  Please refer to latest
>User's Guide at and reinstall XFree86 as it

Sorry, but I d'ont see anything related with special action with fonts
in user's guide.
During download, I had troubles on Xfnts.tgz. I redownload it and verify

md5.sum file. Now, every thing is ok with that.

Do I need to install DirectX (I'm on NT 4.0)? Then, whitch version and
where can I get it?



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