wmaker problem

Wei Wang ww@BUPHY.bu.edu
Sun Jul 8 22:48:00 GMT 2001

I downloaded Window Maker binaries from Purdue and put it in the
startxwin.sh like below but it complained that "The WMAKER.EXE file is
linked to missing export LIBZ.DLL:inflatelnit_." and left me a X window
with everything I have in startxwin.sh except the window manger.

Then, I downloaded the source codes of it from Purdue and compiled it
under cygwin and installed it in /usr/local instead of /usr/X11R6. And
it works but still complains the same thing.

Why? What is wrong?

#! /bin/sh
export DISPLAY=
eval `ssh-agent`
XWin -screen 0 1280x1024x24  &
xsetroot -solid aquamarine4
xclock -geometry 80x80+1134+0 &
xterm -fn 10x20 -n xterm-1 -j -ls -sb -sl 500 -rightbar -geometry +361+0
-e bash &
xterm -fn 10x20 -n xterm-2 -j -ls -sb -sl 500 -rightbar -geometry +0+396
-e bash &
xterm -fn 10x20 -n xterm-3 -j -ls -sb -sl 500 -rightbar -geometry
+508+343 -e bash &
#twm &
/usr/local/bin/wmaker &
#xfce &

Wei Wang

Dept. of Phys.
Boston Univ.


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