Window Manager for X of Cygwin-Xfree

Anjani Prasad Achanta
Fri Jul 27 21:37:00 GMT 2001

	I am new to cygwin. I installed the latest set of binaries of
cygwin-xfree following the Cygwin User Guide. The guide was really
helpful. I am able to start the X server by running startxwin shell
script. (Of course not through the batch file - it failed for this). But
an error came up while X is brought up saying vtwm not found. I have not
changed any configuration files. I searched for a window manager and
found none in the bin directory. 
	Where can I get the window manager (vtwm or twm) binaries (and
related libraries) for cygwin-xfree? When I searched in the net the tar
file "*vtwm*.tar.gz" file is found in 4.0.3 version of cygwin-xfree but
the same is not available with 4.1.0 version. 
	What shall I do now? Where and which window manager should I

Thanks in advance
Anjani Prasad  

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