Info on "Can't open display"

Christopher Landrieu
Wed Jun 6 09:50:00 GMT 2001

I installed 4.1.0 on with Cygwin 1.3.2 this past weekend on two separate 
machines (Win98SE and Win2000SP1).  I am experiencing the infamous "Can't 
open display" problem on both machines.  I have more info on the Win2k 
machine but essentially I believe it is the same problem on both machines.  
I have also tried XFree86-4.0.3, Cygwin 1.3.2, and Win2k with the same 

I have already read the past 3 months worth of postings about this problem 
on this list and have found no solutions.

The problem is that X clients (such as xterm) running on the localhost do 
not work.  They give the same "Can't open display" error whether I am trying 
to display them on a remote X server or on the localhost Cygwin/xfree86 
server.  I have tried all combinations of DISPLAY settings (, 
:0.0, my-ethernet-IP-address:0.0, :0, etc.).

I can display remote X clients on my local cygwin/xfree86 (by using -ac to 
turn off access control restrictions).

The interesting thing that I have noticed on Win2k is that the first time 
that I run "xterm -display :0.0" I immediately get the "Can't open display" 
message.  The second time, it sits there for about 10 seconds trying to 
connect and then gives me the "Can't open display" message.  When it fails 
this second time, I get "_XSERVTransSocketUNIXAccept: accept() failed" in 
the xfree86 console window.  This does not happen in my Win98SE 
installation.  It just gets the "Can't open display" error immediately every 

I have also done the old "telnet localhost 6000" test.  Both the Cygwin 
telnet and Microsoft's telnet connect successfully.  If I then hit a bunch 
of keys, the connection is closed by the server.

Another test I have run is to run a remote X client tunneled through an SSH 
connection.  I use TeraTerm Pro with Robert O'Callahan's SSH extension.  I 
log in to a remote UNIX machine through SSH with X Forwarding turned on and 
run any X application and the application shows up in Cygwin/xfree86 

I think that all of this info points to a problem in the Cygwin/XFree86 X 
Clients/libraries that causes them to fail to connect.  The problem is not 
with the X server or the network configuration at all, its with the X 

I plan to do a few more tests with the Win98SE machine and will post any new 
info that I find.  I want to try watching the X clients connect to a remote 
X server and sniff the packets.  That may give me a clue as to why the 
connection is failing.

Chris L.

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