cygwin-xfree does not work!!

A Sengupta
Sun Jun 10 10:50:00 GMT 2001

	Sir: I have installed cygwin-xfree carefully following the
instructions given and have installed xfree86 from the binaries as
directed. However on trying to run startxwin.bat I get the error "A
required .DLL file, LIBZ.DLL, was not found". In fact all the .exe files
in c:\cygwin\usr\x11r6\bin have this problem with respect to some .DLL
file; for most of them it is cygwin1.dll. What is wrong?
	Thank you for your reply. 

	A. Sengupta. 

    A. Sengupta, Professor                 **  E-Mail:
    Department of Mechanical Engineering   **  Tel: 091-0512-597035 (O)
    Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur  **               -598705 (H)
    Kanpur 208016, India.                  **  Fax: 091-0512-597408/590007

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