xgc crashes XWin

Fabio Somenzi Fabio@Colorado.EDU
Tue Jun 12 07:00:00 GMT 2001

The following sequence of events causes XWin to crash on:

 Windows98, 1.3.2, 4.1.0

1. Start xgc.

2. Set the line width to something greater than 0.  (I have tried 1,
   2, and 4.)

3. Click on "Run".

This is not at all critical for me (I was just trying things in search
for inspiration on how to solve my fonts/xfs problem) but I thought
I'd report it.

BTW, is it normal for "xset q" to take anywhere between 15 and 30
seconds to run, and report the following?

Xlib:  extension "XFree86-Misc" missing on display "".



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