Running out of resources

Suhaib Siddiqi
Thu Jun 14 11:05:00 GMT 2001


> Interestingly, the X server and the local bash windows that show up as
> processes on my task list do not seem to be consuming a lot of
> memory. I don't see the remote emacs listed, nor the amount of
> resources it is using up.

How much memory do you?  Win2K is a memory hog.  I had this problem on a
machine with 128 MB RAM.  It turns out Win2K was the culprit, after boosting

the memory to 512 MB RAM with 200 MB Pagefile, it started sorta behaving...
Have you applied Service Pack 1?  It fixes some of the serious memory
problems on Win2K.

> The vtwm window just disappears so I cannot see any log/errors
> etc. Does it write the errors out to a certain file?
> The main startwin.bat file contains these lines:
> --
> xterm:  fatal IO error 32 (Broken pipe) or KillClient on X 
> server "
> "
> xterm:  fatal IO error 113 (The connection was aborted) or 
> KillClient on X serve
> r ""
> --

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ this cannot be in startxwin.bat?????

> I think I have seen messages to the effect "out of process buffer
> space" and nothing works (I cannot open websites in IE) etc. At this
> point only a reboot brings things back to "normal".
> Have people seen things like this?

It is youw Windows problems, it is all screwed up.


> Thanks,
> Sridhar
> p.s. I am not subscribed to the mailing list, so please cc a response
> to me.
> -- 
> Sridhar Boovaraghavan
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