Info on "Can't open display"

Christopher Landrieu
Thu Jun 14 23:12:00 GMT 2001

>From: "Robert Collins" <>
>Chris, the important point is that TeraTermSSH does not do TCP/IP with
>the xclient library code. I think we are all agreed that the X protocol
>per se is not the fault.

That is where I believe the problem is happening (in the xclient library 
code).  I absolutely agree that it is not the XProtocol layer that is at 
fault.  I believe it is how the xclient library code is trying to setup or 
use the socket connection.  It may be setting some socket options or TCP 
options that are not properly or fully supported by cygwin's implementation 
of the socket APIs.  Or, maybe cygwin's socket API implementation is using 
some funky features that Aventail breaks.  What I would like to understand 
is: what are the xclient libs doing beyond the usual 
socket()...connect()...send() & recv()...close() sequence.  Since no other 
cygwin programs seem to be affected by Aventail, there must be something 
here that the xclient libs are doing different.

> > to try.  Do you have any recommendations?
>Uh yeah, try to establish answers to my fact finding questions suggested

Sorry, I meant any suggestions for other xclients (non-cygwin/xfree86) that 
I could test with.  I don't know many other free xclient apps for windows.

>Have you examined this or attempted to confirm your guess? I asked the
>question _because_ there are multiple answers.

I've done my share of client/server socket programming and, in general, the 
following model is used in the most architectures:

clients: socket()...connect()...[ send() & recv() ]...close()

servers: socket()...bind()...listen()...[ accept()...[ send() & recv() ] 

(where square brackets [] denote loops)

I haven't yet looked at the socket calls in TeraTermSSH but you can see that 
it is generally what is happening by playing with netstat.  It will show you 
sshd listening to port 6010 on the remote host and you can see TeraTermSSH's 
connection from localhost random-port to localhost port 6000.  It is this 
local connection that should be equivalent to the cygwin/xfree86 xterm 
connecting to localhost port 6000.

>... You are wrong about "all tcp/ip client programs unbound". TCP/IP
>client can ask for a random port on a random interface (a)

... which is basically just a socket() call and a connect().  In this case 
thereis no opportunity to specify a source interface and port number.

>or a specific
>port on a random interface (still a - I wasn't worried about the
>partocular port)

... huh? How would you do that?

>or a random port on a given interface (one of b or c)

... Again, huh?  How?

>or a specific port on a specific interface (one of b or c).

... using socket()...bind(), which is what server apps do.

>Chris, your guesssing is not helping debug the problem. Binding to a
>specific port on all interfaces != being "unbound" where you bind to a
>port, and no specific interface. (Binding to all interfaces you need to
>call bind() multiple times oince for each interface).

Actually, this is untrue.  If you specify INADDR_ANY in the bind call, all 
local interfaces are bound to one socket at the specified port.

> > >That sounds to me like Aventail dropping the connection.
> >
> > What is your reasoning?
>You see the beginning of a normal 3-way handshake, and then a ack|fin
>packet. That looks like a program other than the one listening on the
>socket interfering with the tcp session to get the remote end to drop

Oh... good thinking.  I hadn't considered that possibility.


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