Cannot start Xfree86

Pellegrino Fabio
Sat Jun 16 06:58:00 GMT 2001


I know I'm a newbie but I hope not a lost case. I posted my question
yesterday but got no answer, perhaps I'm really a lost case :) So, I post it
again in the hope, that someone can help me:
I downloaded the cygwin and the Xfree in Windows 98 SE as it is explained
three days ago, and I have installed it. After the installation I started
the startxwin.bat from a MS-Dos Prompt, and it's telling me for first, that
it is running out of resources. Then several MS-Dos Prompts open and the
Zone Alarm Firewall ask the permissions for RXVT.exe and then for Xwin.exe,
Xterm and for last twm. But no difference what I make (If I give the
permission or not) all the MS-Dos prompts closes and it remains the
startxwin Window who is terminated. But for one time, the X Server showed up
and closed after a few seconds. Naturally, I looked for a answer in the
mailing lists, and I tried several things, but nothing helped.
Then, as mentioned in the installation note, I tried to run X Server from
the cygwin bash shell, but it doesnt work. In a lucky case the X Server
started, but in a very low resolution and the window was really small.
Usually, every time I start the X Server from the bash shell, I get this

_XSERVTransmkdir: Owner of /tmp/.X11-unix should be set to root
winDetectSupportedEngines () - Windows 95/98/Me
winDetectSupportedEngines () - DirectDraw installed
winDetectSupportedEngines () - DirectDraw4 installed
winDetectSupportedEngines () - Returning, supported engines 00000007
winSetEngine () - Using Shadow DirectDraw NonLocking
winCreateBoundingWindowWindowed () - Window Client width 640 height 480
winInitVisualsShadowDDNL () - Masks 000f800 000007 e0 0000001f RGB 6 d 16
winInitVisualsShadowDDNL () - Returning
_XSERVTransSocketUNIXAccept: accept () failed
XIO: fatal IO error 104 (Connection reset by peer) on X server " :0.0"
     After 0 requests (0 known processed) with 0 events remaining.

Waiting for X server to shut down.

Here is my startxwin.bat file:
@echo off
SET PATH=%PATH%;\usr\X11R6\bin;\cygwin\bin;\cygwin\usr\bin
start XWin -screen 0 1024x768x16 -whitepixel 255 -blackpixel 0 -engine -4
start  xterm -sl 1000 -sb -rightbar -ms red -fg yellow -bg black -e bash
start  rxvt -fn "Lucidia Console-12"
start  twm

I checked also my resolution in the Windows System, and it set at 16 and my
graphic card is a Chips 65555. The only time, that the X Server showed up,
it seems like to be in RGB mode...Have I to install the driver again in
MS-Dos Mode?
I don't know, if I must have an initial file like .emacs or .bashrc. I think
not, on the how-to page it is not mentioned, or I haven't seen it.

Could someone give me a good advise in this really basic configuration, I

Thank You in advance


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