Setting dots per inch

Harold Hunt
Thu Jun 28 18:56:00 GMT 2001


> I've tried using the "-dpi xx" switch on the command line, but the
> server seems to always assume 100x100 dpi.  This makes fonts pretty
> ugly on a 1024x768 screen.

Sorry for taking so long to reply, but I have been busy.  Okay, okay, I
lied, I like 100 dpi, and I didn't much care about allowing people to
configure it; I didn't even look into this until I stumbled upon the
one-liner fix.  The '-dpi' parameter is a parameter handled by
xc/programs/Xserver/os/utils.c, the code reads the parameter and sets the
global variable named 'monitorResolution'.  I had no idea that this global
variable existed until I was perusing the xc/programs/Xserver/hw/kdrive code
and noticed that it was being passed as the dpi.  I did a search for the
variable in the kdrive code, but found nothing, that's when I looked
elsewhere and found the variable being set in the os code.

What's all that mean?  Well, I've added processing for the '-dpi' parameter
to my local builds, and I'll probably release a new test build within a few
days that includes processing for the parameter.

Until then,


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