Xfree without /tmp dir?

Brian Michael Genisio genisiob@pilot.msu.edu
Fri Jun 29 08:49:00 GMT 2001

I am trying to package XFree, so it will run directly from a CD.  So I put all
the DLLs necessary, and the config files and fonts, and set all the font paths.

There is only one thing stopping me!!!!  the XLock file!!!! it wants to go to
the /tmp dir.  Is there a way to get rid of this error :?

_XSERVTransSocketUNIXCreateListener: mkdir(/tmp/.X11-unix) failed, errno = 2

I just want to tell it to put it somewhere else.  The X server is run from a
bash script (I also included bash on the CD), so I have tried doing a "mkdir
/tmp" before executing the X server, but it wont let me.

When I look a bit harder, I see that the root directory structure of the CD is
/cygdrive/d .  Likewise, /cygdrive/c is the C drive.  I assume this is bash's
default if Cygwin is not installed.  Of course, /tmp will not create, since the
root directory is not really a file system.

If I could just tell X to change where the .X11-unix directory should be
created, Everything will work fine :)

Any ideas?

      \\|//   Brian Genisio
      (o o)        genisiob@pilot.msu.edu

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