nedit doesn't work - can't read any menus

Enoch Wu
Mon May 7 19:08:00 GMT 2001


On Mon, May 07, 2001 at 08:34:09PM +0200, Andreas Eibach wrote:
> I just tried it by - like you told me to - cd to each directory and just do
> a 'mkfontdir .'
> but this doesn't seem to be sufficient - same "graphics" in nedit.
> Well I don't know what you mean by 'alias files', and why do I have to save
> them?

I recall working on alias files in the font directories years ago but I don't
remember the details now. You will have to look up the XFree86 HOWTO to find
out if such is the case,  

> Side-note: yes you're right. I've never edited fixed fonts in my life. ;-)

My diff output shows large differences between the 2001-4-14 font files 
and the newer split up font files (on a font by font comparison).
I am inclined to suggest that you re-install the font files from the split 
tarballs just to save yourself a lot of work. However if you would 
rather do it the hard way and learn from the experience, I can only refer you
to the numerous documentation on the Net or the X Window Users Guide.

What I did was to reinstall just the fonts I needed - that worked
well for me.

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