Building Enlightenment

Harold Hunt
Fri May 18 05:17:00 GMT 2001


> With the recent advances of Cygwin/XFree and support libraries
> I thought it was time to try building Enlightenment.

You'll have to pull the XFree86 sources from CVS and add the following line
to xc/config/cf/xf86site.def before running 'make World' from xc/:
#define UseCygIPC YES

Building XFree86 will take between 1 and 4 hours, depending on your machine

After building with UseCygIPC you will need to move your current /usr/X11R6/
directory to something like /usr/X11R6_works/.  Then, run 'make install'
from xc/.  This will install all of the XFree86 executables, fonts,
libraries, etc. into /usr/X11R6/.

Now you can compile Enlightenment.

Thank you for your interest in our project,


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