[ANNOUNCEMENT] Cygwin/XFree86 DocBook-based FAQ draft

Harold Hunt huntharo@msu.edu
Tue May 22 11:57:00 GMT 2001


> * we should have multiple source files. Per topic or perhaps
> setup/user/developer. This allows better management of the content.
> Perhaps even one file per "topic". I know docbook can manage this for
> us.

Of course.  It should be evident from the User's Guide and XWin sources that
I support multiple files :)  However, I wasn't sure what the final divisions
of the FAQ would be, so I didn't want to break the source into several files
when I first posted it.

> * A make system should be provided. I'm happy to put that together (I
> suggest autoconf && automake be used as it has much smaller make files
> :} ). This is to make redistribution easier.

You really want to have the Cygnus DocBook-tools... then you just run
'db2html cygx-faq.sgml', or 'db2pdf cygx-faq.sgml', etc.

> * I suggest that we get a CVS area on cygwin.com for both the users
> guide and this faq. This will make multi-authoring easier. I consider
> making multi-author change control easy _very important_. What do you
> think? A CVS area for cygwin-xfree-doc would allow the docbook source
> and make system to be easily accessible to all the contributors, and
> allow effective interleaving of updates.

Might be easier to use SourceForge.

> * We need a stylesheet for this. (plain docbook sticks out like a sore
> thumb w.r.t. the website. This is my problem: I volunteered to create
> one for the straight html on the website... this is just

I don't think our sales will suffer as a result of not using a stylesheet :)

> * Have you considered docbook/xml rather than sgml? A year or so ago it
> was looking to be the continuity path for docbook... and it seemed a bit
> more flexable.

Yes, I have considered using DocBook XML instead of DocBook SGML, but at
this time DocBook XML is not a viable alternative.  The problem with DocBook
XML is, in the words of Norman Walsh on 2001-01-12, "You have to explicitly
pass the XML declaration to jade."  Now, that sounds all well and good,
until you realize that you can't tell the DocBook-tools utility 'db2html' to
pass the XML declaration on to jade.

In short, DocBook SGML works out of the box on most GNU/Linux distributions
and allows the use of DocBook-tools, whereas DocBook XML requires funky
command line parameters and/or a hacked set of DocBook-tools scripts.
DocBook XML won't take over until a good XSLT processor is included with
every GNU/Linux distribution; for now, DocBook XML is processed against the
SGML DTD, so there is almost no point in using DocBook XML.

On a side note, I have attempted to follow the stricter rules of XML in my
SGML files.  It is fairly likely that my SGML source will compile as DocBook
XML with very few changes.


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