AW: X and startx

Karl Philipp
Wed May 23 01:55:00 GMT 2001


KPH> On Tue, May 22, 2001 at 10:06:29PM -0400, Harold Hunt wrote:
KPH> > Regarding fixing 'startx', should we:
KPH> > 3) Add an answer to the draft FAQ that tells users how to add
KPH> > /usr/X11R6/bin/ to the path that Cygwin uses.
KPH> >
KPH> Leave it like Linux. IIRC, the /usr/X11R6/bin is always
KPH> required in Linux
KPH> and other Unices, like Solaris and FreeBSD. We are still striving for a
KPH> Unix-like environment. Therefore, #3 is the way to go. It
KPH> would be a "culture"
KPH> shock for someone who is trained on Cygwin to dive into Unices.

IMO, the use of a (software) system should be as simple as possible.
A significant part of the users don't read the FAQ first when they
install Cygwin/XFree86.

The danger is, that this strategy causes superfluous traffic in this mailing

Therefore I agree with Neil and vote for #1:

KPH> Perhaps I have already expressed my opinion in which case I apologize
KPH> for the repetition but here is what I vote for: #1. There are several
KPH> reasons for this:
KPH> (i) it fixes the problem discussed in the e-mail
KPH> (ii) it fixes other X related problems such as enabling the programs to
KPH>      find libXpm.dll and other dlls contained therein.
KPH> (iii) adding /usr/X11R6/bin at the end of the PATH would not slow down
KPH>       the searching of executable files by any significant amount. If
KPH>       anything it will slow down file not found messages by an
KPH>       insignificant amount of time.
KPH> (iv) let's just choose the simplest solution that also works best.

Okay, the most of us are developers (possibly) and we are smartly men
;-), but there are normal users ...


Karl Philipp

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