[ANNOUNCEMENT] Cygwin/XFree86 DocBook-based FAQ Draft 2

Harold Hunt huntharo@msu.edu
Wed May 23 14:38:00 GMT 2001


> Regarding question 4.4 :-) At the moment you need to add a hint that
> -lXpm should be added in the makefile if someone wants to compile
> xkeycaps.

That may be a good idea.  However, I need something for 4.3 first: I need an
example command line of how to load a modmap with xmodmap, and I need to
know where to tell users where to call xmodmap from, exactly.  For example,
the answer might be as simple as, "add 'start xmodmap xmodmap.de' to
startxwin.bat, right after the line that starts XWin."  Could you send me
such an example that has been tested?  Thank you in advance.

> Hmm Error and warning messages.. maybe should be put under something
> like "Troubleshooting"?

Oh, I named that section Error and Warning Messages because it is only a
listing of Errors and Warnings that have specific answers.  I will soon be
adding a section called "Troubleshooting" that lists things to try when a
specific solution to a particular error message is not available.  Does that
make sense?


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