[ANNOUNCEMENT] Cygwin/XFree86 DocBook-based FAQ draft

Harold Hunt huntharo@msu.edu
Wed May 23 17:31:00 GMT 2001


> And which I've got bad news about. docbook-tools are rpm only, and the
> cvs variant used rpm spec files to build. It also uses jade, not
> openjade (and jade is no longer under development).

I don't believe that is entirely correct, as I saw lots of tarballs and
such; however, it doesn't really matter, as Chris's comment that Cygwin uses
a makefile has me leaning in the direction of rolling our own documentation

There is an example makefile for building DocBook SGML at:


With such a makefile we should be able to change to DocBook XML, which would
be nice, as you had noted.


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