sgml building package #3 - validation

Robert Collins
Thu May 24 02:49:00 GMT 2001

Anyone confused yet?

Harold - this ones for you. I suggest that you use this, if only for
validation at this point. To convert your tarball to this, extract this,
then copy your current sgml files into the faq directory. rename the
cygx-faq.sgml to cygwin-xfree-faq.sgml and your are done.

*) make now validates the sgml before processing. This caught some
syntax errors in the #2 tarball.
*) make check now validates the html that has been generated. (This
saves uploading to the w3 validator). This currently fails validation.

As a side note...

*) I've now started on the stylesheet for integrating to the website.
(See ).


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