cygwin faq ready for presentation review.

Christopher Faylor
Tue May 29 14:57:00 GMT 2001

On Tue, May 29, 2001 at 12:55:26PM -0400, Harold Hunt wrote:
>> To be honest.. I dislike having the index (Cygwin home, Cygwin/xfree86
>> home, development.. ) to the left (right too) of a long text.. it
>> steals margin - if you scroll down a bit you have a white left
>> margin..
>I'm with Andrew on this.  When you are reading a long document, you are
>reading a long document.  You are not navigating a web site.  I've gotten
>this opinion from reading the FAQs of other projects:

Oddly enough, I have always considered it a bug that the cygwin faq did
not display that bar on the left.

For a long time, text on the cygwin web pages actually jumped to column
1 when it hit the end of the bar.  I never liked that layout, either.

I'm not a fan of excesive white space but the extra margin invoked by
the bar on the left never really bothered me for some reason.


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