Copyright [cgf, please comment]

Suhaib Siddiqi
Thu May 31 16:35:00 GMT 2001

> > I'm very sorry that a request that we as a project clarify whats
> > required to accept contributions (given that the source code conditions
> > from the XFree86 group are very clear) other than source code (thats a
> > pretty standard thing in projects) has generated such emotional heat.
> Come on... people have motives for what they do.  You can't seriously tell
> me that a question about copyright so soon after we agreed to disagree on
> the FAQ has nothing to do with what will happen to the content of the FAQ
> should the project fork.

First of all, why have you not answered the questions of where are "diff
file against current FAQ"  Why you have not answered in all you sensleess
so-called dumb legal claims that what is purpose of draft and why should it
posted and why have you not answered why current contents cannot be merged?

Search mail archive?  Based upon your way of doing things and trying when
you said you wanted to modify FAQ, I immediately posted NO MAJOR CHANGE to
FAQ because I knew these conflicts will arise.  I knew will stick your name
everywhere and will refuse to compromise.  Why did you not discuss with me
first and went ahead and started modifying and when I asked why you turned
the thread to a flame war?  This points to me your sneaky nature or your
nature of dictating the things go your way or no way.  This is counter
productive and I knew that was coming that is why I posted (no major
changes to FAQ please).  My reason was to avoid this senseless arguments
because of your nature of putting things in a way that others will object to
it.  In an open source project, personally I am against anyone inserting
authorship, ownership and copyright notices on a documents, and html pages
posted on web project site, except source code.  In my opinion those pages
belong to project.  That is why I DID NOT INSERTED my authorship and
copyright notices on the HTML pages when I started this project.

> Then Suhaib comes in with claims that "Cygwin" is a trademarked name and
> that non-RedHat hosted projects aren't going to be allowed to use the
> term,
> and I'm supposed to believe that it just happens to be a coincidence that
> he
> chose to bring this up after I mailed the list saying, essentially, that I
> was leaving?

You have a long way to learn.  You have not slightest idea what trade mark
laws are in the USA. I can claim a trademark, even not by registering now,
if I am the only one using it for my business, I can turn around sue you if
you started using it after me, and I can file a petition to Trademark office
if you try to register if.  You think you know everything, that is a very
dangerous sign and you have a long way to learn. 

> Well, I can only say that I'm glad I'm not as dumb as you think :)

I wish you not as dumb as you think ;-)


> Harold

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