Extended keyboard and CDE on AIX4.3

Fiorenzo Zanotti zanottif@iside.bcc.it
Wed Nov 14 07:06:00 GMT 2001

I'm getting some problems with extended keyboard (italian) accessing an
AIX4.3 with CDE.
I'm using now a TEST53 version but the same behavior exist in TEST49.

Accessing CDE on AIX 4.3 something weird happen with NUMLOCK  :

When ON
1) keyboard keys doesn't any visible output
2) numeric keypad keys generates numbers

When OFF
1) keyboard keys work OK
2) numeric keypad doesn't produce cursor movements but generates numbers as

In any case ALTGR doesn't work : it generates a Mode_switch keypress event,
but no characters are generates.
The shortest way I found to make ALTGR work (with my server launched as
'start XWin -query aix -xkbmap it' is :

	xmodmap -e 'keysym Mode_switch = Alt_R'

When using XWin to access a Linux system all work fine !!!

What do you think about these different behaviours ?
(X11 version  ? CDE initialization sequence ? XWin problem ?)


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