Updated ported software

LASSAUGE ros_at1@muzillac.tls.mms.fr
Fri Nov 30 06:26:00 GMT 2001

	Hi everybody, I finally updated my Cygwin/Xfree86 ported software page,
- gqview-0.99.1
- vim-6.0.93 gtkgvim (vim compiled with GTK, can by used with the
official vim-6.0.93)
- xscreensaver-3.34 including my 2 screenhacks (fire/sballs) plus
sphereEversion and cosmos
screenhacks (not from the official distribution)
- xv-3.10a-EL binaries (xv with all known patches + some of my own
including wheel mouse
and saving of progressive JPEG files)

What's planned now:
- update some packages (xlockmore lastest ALPHA, gle 3.0.6)
- continue (or not) the port of 'sound' apps (mainly finish
esound and add mpg123), but I think that someone is allready
doin' that (?)
- finish the port of the latest XFCE, I did'nt succeed in
doing that but could replace the xfbd (for having JPEG support),
xfsound (works great) and xfclock from the original xfce-3.4.4-cygwin
that I downloaded.

	      |	Eric Lassauge                         |
	      |	         ASTRIUM / TRASYS-G2I         |
	      |	       lassauge@mail.dotcom.fr        |
	      |	     ros_at1@muzillac.tls.mms.fr      |
	      |	       http://lassauge.free.fr/       |

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