Uil compile problem

kwirl@lucent.com kwirl@lucent.com
Wed Nov 28 04:48:00 GMT 2001

fanarie@free.fr wrote on Tuesday, November 27, 2001 11:34 AM

> I try to make uid file with uil
> but i 've got an error :
> yacc.y:256:NO OP
> yacc.y:243:NO OP
> lookup XmLabel = index of 28
> my label.uil was :
> I have install lesstiff and xfree correctly
> (i have no problem to make motif prog which don't use uil)

>From the Lesstif FAQ ( http://www.lesstif.org/FAQ.html#QU1.13 )

Is UIL (User Interface Language) supported?
      Not really. 
      Though there is some old code in place already it's unlikely
      you succeed with a project using it. 
      Actually there are two versions of the uil compiler around:
      one is built as uil while the other executable is named newuil. The
      latter uses libUil as opposed to the older one which uses it's
      own code base. 

If somebody can correct me i'll be happy!

Best regards
Klaus (also having some unsupported UIL files laying around ...)

| Klaus P. Wirl             | Email: kwirl@lucent.com   |
| Lucent Technologies       | Phone: +49 911 526-3626   |
| Thurn-und-Taxis Str. 10   | Mobile:+49 171 970 6639   |
| 90411 Nürnberg, Germany   | Fax:   +49 911 526-4193   |
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