Yet another Slashdot article

Christopher Faylor
Wed Nov 28 09:48:00 GMT 2001

On Wed, Nov 28, 2001 at 12:26:40AM -0500, Charles Wilson wrote:
>is here:
>this time on cygwin+gnome.  The site mentioned includes build
>instructions for several gnomish packages, but seems a little out of
>date (why provide instructions for compiling popt when popt has been
>part of the official dist since last spring?  Also, providing
>instructions on how to build your own freetype library is SURE to tick
>off you cygwin-xfree folks...)
>Cool screenshots, tho (even if the guy IS using twm...)

I thought that one of the comments about cygwin being around forever was
sort of interesting.  Slashdot seems to have the attention span of a
moth attracted to a flashing neon sign.

"Ooohhh!  Light!  I think I'll fly over there!"

"Um.  What was I doing?"

"Ooohhh!  Light!..."


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