Two questions

Alexander Gottwald
Fri Sep 14 02:25:00 GMT 2001

On Thu, 13 Sep 2001, ted byers wrote:

> First, I have a minor problem with the colours xfree uses.  The colours I
> see in the bash window are fine.  However, xfree seems to use the same
> colours, except that the background is white.  These colours (green and
> yellow) work well in the bash window because its background colour is black.
> In xfree, the background of the window in which I am entering commands is
> white, so these colours become almost impossible to see.  How can I set
> these colours in xfree?

This is not an xfree, bu an xterm issue. Try xterm -bg black. This will set 
the background to black. 

> Second, if I am working only with a bash session, I can close the window
> using either exit or <alt><f4>, and the window closes immediately.  If I
> start xfree, I can close it using either exit or <alt><f4>, but once I do
> so, I can no longer close the bash session in the same way, and must instead
> use the 'X' icon at the top right of the window frame.  Similarly, if I
> start grass5, which appears to spawn a bash session as a child process (that
> is the way it looks, but I have not looked into the code to see what is
> really happening), xfree shows the same problem WRT closing that bash does
> when xfree has been started.  This is not a show stopper, since I can kill
> the parent processes using the 'X' icon that generaly occurs at the top
> right corner of the frames of application windows, and since everything
> appears to work normally until I attempt to shut down the bash or xfree
> session, but it is a bit of a nusance.  Is there anything I can do to fix
> this?

I don't understand what you want. I can only guess that you want to close
the windows in xfree with alt-f4. This does NOT work by default. You can 
of cause modify the behaviour of the window manager but this requires a 
lot of manual reading.

I have to make clear that the windows displayed by xfree have nothing in 
common with the windows from Windows.

Another point is that you will never close the "bash-window". Bash is just 
a console program. It runs either in a cmd-window (which you can close
with alt-f4 since it's a windows application) or in a xterm, rxvt or any
other terminal program. These are X11 programs and have completely other 
settings than cmd.exe (see first question). This is NEVER a bash issue.

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