XFree 4.1.0

E. Lassauge ros_at1@muzillac.tls.mms.fr
Mon Sep 17 08:28:00 GMT 2001


I'm currently trying to port xscreensaver to Cygwin/XFree86 and I
had a problem when compiling one of the screenhacks, the compilation
ended when using a "predefined" bitmap include:
This file came with the binary installation of XFree and is erroneous:
the variable names are Stipple_something instead of stipple_something.

I had a look at the CVS code using the CVS browser at xfree.org and
their stipple file is very different from the one used
in Cygwin/Xfree (it came from Xlib.tgz):

original Cygwin/XFree:
#define Stipple_width 2
#define Stipple_height 2
static char Stipple_bits[] = {
   0x01, 0x00};
Xfree :
#define stipple_width 16
#define stipple_height 4
static char stipple_bits[] = {
   0x55, 0x55, 0xee, 0xee, 0x55, 0x55, 0xba, 0xbb};

	Dunno where this is coming from ? Hope someone can answer ...

PS: 	that's not crucial, I modified the file of course :->
	I just wanted to know why they were different ....

PPS: see my cygwin/XFree ported apps at http://lassauge.free.fr/cygwin/
	      |	Eric Lassauge                         |
	      |	         ASTRIUM / TRASYS-G2I         |
	      |	       lassauge@mail.dotcom.fr        |
	      |	     ros_at1@muzillac.tls.mms.fr      |
	      |	       http://lassauge.free.fr/       |

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