apparent resource leak

ted byers
Wed Sep 26 11:25:00 GMT 2001

This is a problem I see with both window managers (icewm, twm).  I do not
know if the problem lies in xfree or in the window manager.  However, I
notice that regardless of which window manager I use, ssh-agent.exe is
started, and when I shut down XWindows, it is left running.  And it
continues to run if I shut down the bash window from which I started
XWindows.  I noticed also that sh.exe is started, but it invariably shuts
down when I terminate the last bash process.  And I get an orphaned
ssh-agent.exe for each time I have started and shut down XWindows.

I am writing to both mail lists because I do not know if the problem lies
in, and is common to, both window managers, or if it is a problem in xfree
running on cygwin that just creates the appearance of the same problem being
in both window managers.

Any help figuring out how to fix this would be appreciated.



R.E. Byers

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