correct place for xmodmap / how to automize keyboard-layout-setting for Xfree86 ?

Ulrich Diez
Tue Apr 2 14:19:00 GMT 2002

Hello !

I installed Cygwin and Xfree86 these days on my computer. Actually I have no
experience with them.
I wanted to make the X-Window-System accepting german keyboard-layout,
therefore I downloaded a german Xmodmap-file.
When I use the command "xmodmap /path-to-modmap-file/" in bash or
xterm, I have the german keyboard-settings.

But when I try to automize the Xmodmap-procedure for startup, I mess up as I
actually do not know all to much about the corresponding mechanisms.
So I tried to do everything as said in the FAQ (see below). Neither did I
find the mentioned file "/etc/X11/xdm/XSetup" nor a similar one. There was
no "XSetup"-file on my Computer at all.
I created one and put it into the mentioned directory but that didn't help.
(Somebody already told me that under UNIX-systems upper- and
lower-case-spelling is important.)

Any hints will be greafully accepted.

Yours sincerely

4.5. How do I get my non-U.S. keyboard modmap to be installed when using

This answer assumes that your non-U.S. keyboard modmap is located in
/etc/X11 and is called xmodmap.country_code, where country_code is your
two-letter standardized country code (e.g. Australia = au, Deutschland = de,
France = fr, Japan = jp, United Kingdom = uk).
First, you must create a script that tells xmodmap to load the modmap for
your non-U.S. keyboard layout. One way to run xmodmap on X Server startup
when using xdmcp is to add the following two lines to /etc/X11/xdm/XSetup:
/usr/X11R6/bin/xmodmap /etc/X11/xmodmap.country_code
Now you must tell xdm to run the screen setup script on startup. In
/etc/X11/xdm/xdm-config, add the following line:
DisplayManager*setup: /etc/X11/xdm/Xsetup.

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