FW: Problem: extreme speed difference NT4 <> Win98SE runing Xfree

Harold Hunt huntharo@msu.edu
Tue Apr 16 06:07:00 GMT 2002

Uwe forgot to cc the mailing list in his response.


-----Original Message-----
From: Uwe Schmidtmann [mailto:U.Schmidtmann@visicon-online.de]
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2002 8:54 AM
To: Harold Hunt
Subject: Re: Problem: extreme speed difference NT4 <> Win98SE runing


Thanks for the extremely fast answer - it was about what I feared to
hear. It would have been more pleasant to hear about a configuration
trap I stumbled into - so it depends on how to define "it helps".

My problem is, that I try to develop a "CCD" Camera for astronomical
purposes (not really CCD for the moment as I want to try a CMOS imaging
sensor). The control software is running under X11 (a very early version
can be found on my homepage http://www.brunsteinobs.de.vu/, an update
about the project will be done after a short introduction on a meeting
in Mai), but the hardware programming environment uses Windows - so I
was hoping to use cygwin and X11 to run my control application and nedit
  to test changes in the hardware.

Here at work I use the system to monitor and configure our server and

Anyway: is there any cheap workaround with free or at least cheap server
software apart from MiX? Xwin32 runs extremely well but is much to
expensive for being used only once a week as a private person?

Apart from that: All programmers supporting the cygwin project did a
great job. The whole system is getting better and better...

I do not much about X-Server internals or Windows internals - but if you
need a guinnea pig (hope the spelling is right, I just mean someone to
be willing to crash his system - after backing it up) to run some tests,
feel free to contact me.



Harold Hunt wrote:

> Uwe,
> Yes, the performance difference is known and expected.  Some of the
> difference is due to optimizations in Cygwin that cannot be used on
> 95/98/Me and some of the difference is due to the speed of the graphics
> libraries in Windows 95/98/Me vs. Windows NT/2000.  MI/X doesn't run into
> the graphics speed differences because they use GDI drawing functions
> can be significantly accelerated by the graphics card and driver, whereas
> Cygwin/XFree86 primarily uses large bit block transfers which appear to
> be slower on Windows 95/98/Me.
> We have been working on a version of Cygwin/XFree86 that uses GDI drawing
> functions directly, but the work is nowhere near complete or even usable.
> The development of that server can be followed at:
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/xoncygwin
> Hope that helps,
> Harold

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