XDMCP client using Cygwin/Xfree86

Jeremy Wilkins jeb@jeremywilkins.freeserve.co.uk
Wed Apr 24 10:20:00 GMT 2002


I've put together a very simple frontend to launch XWin with when used to
connect to XDMCP. The front end will handle passing font paths (and will
convert from windows to cygwin style paths) and the path to the colours
database. This means that XWin can be moved out of the directory structure
it would normally expect, so can be used as a normal windows app, just one
dependant on cygwin1.dll and cygz.dll.

I've got a couple of know issues with it though,

1) XWin insists on the existance of a /tmp/.X11-unix folder, are there any
commandline options, or compile options I can use to change this (so I can
put it in %TEMP%/.X11-unix).

2) The keyboard is always set to US. I've not managed to use the command
line option to change the keyboard layout, could someone please explain this
(where are the xmodmap files I should be using). Once I can do this, I can
make the frontend detect the windows keyboard layout and set Xwin
accordingly. At the moment XKeyboard extension is disabled because xkbcomp,
etc isn't available.

Finally could someone please clarify where I stand on licenses, what license
is Cygwin under, what is cygwin/xfree86 under, can I put my frontend under
GPL without conflicting with the other components.


Any comments would be appreciated


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