X Root Window

Claudemir Todo Bom devel@wiredway.com.br
Mon Apr 1 00:00:00 GMT 2002

Em Qui, 2002-02-14 às 23:20, Harold Hunt escreveu:
    It will be implemented as soon as you finish it.
    No one on the project has offered their time to complete that feature.
    The feature has been on the To-Do List for a long time:
    We get about one request per week for this feature, so I am sure that many
    people would be grateful if you implemented it.

Unfortunately I'm not such a good developer to doing this, since I do
not develop anything for windows for a very long time, and even when I
did that, they were simple and small applications. And to make things
worse, I do not have the needed expertise on WM programming (even on
Unix) to do this.

If you find someone that can do this (maybe one of the other people that
requested this feature), I'll be glad to test it, and if I can reach the
needed knowledge, to help on coding it. But in no way I can be the head
of this thing...

Best Regards,
Claudemir Todo Bom
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