rootless mode

Robert Collins
Mon Apr 8 14:07:00 GMT 2002

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Harold Hunt [] 
> Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2002 7:01 AM
> To: Robert Collins; Ian Burrell
> Cc:
> Subject: RE: rootless mode
> Rob,
> One Win32 window per top-level X windows isn't an 
> optimization... it's just necessary.  A top-level window is 
> like a Windows window with a blue border... any other window 
> could be a button or a scrollbar, etc.  We certainly don't 
> want to create a Win32 window for each of those (just picture 
> an X window with a bounding Win32 window and a Win32 window 
> for each button it has... won't work).

Actually Win32 uses CreateWindow to create all the buttons and
scrollbars you see in (say) outlook or wordpad. Based on that I see
little or no reason it shouldn't work. However, I imagine that only
top-level windows will need to show on the task bar. Anyway, my first
goal is simply proof of concept - the native engine rendering into each
window based on picking up the pWin from GetWindowLong. What is a good
way to detect top-lvel X windows given a WindowPtr (so I can test this
rather than being stubborn :}).

The top level windows I'm creating have no win32 decoration - no close
button etc. That's a window manager consideration and one of the pdfs
you've gather documents a good way to handle that.


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