Easy command to launch remote desktop on cygwin-xfree?

CRAIG SETERA seterajunk@charter.net
Thu Aug 8 05:31:00 GMT 2002

I'm not even close to an expert with all of the pieces
that make up XFree and *nix utilities. I would like to
create a Windows shortcut (to a bat file or whatever) that
does the following:

- Starts up XFree
- Uses ssh with X forwarding to launch a kde desktop on my
linux box.

I can do this step by step, but it is a lot of commands to
get right each time. I just can't seem to get a set of
commands to automate it. In addition, it would be nice if
I didn't end up with a bunch of extra command/console
windows. Essentially I want a way to lauch a KDE desktop
on my linux box quickly and easily.


PS - I tried to get xdm/kdm/gdm working, but could never
get my linux box to "answer" me.

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