[ VNC vs export display ] - use cygwin/XFree or ssh to export "Internet Explorer"

Joel.CARNAT@noos.com Joel.CARNAT@noos.com
Tue Aug 13 04:07:00 GMT 2002


      I have an NT4/cygwin machine and an SUN U10 workstation.
      I would like to run IE and LotusNotes from the U10 (exporting the
      By now I use VNC but having a whole window for all winapps isn't that

      Is there a way (using ssh -X, I guess) to run WinApps from the U10 ?
      By now, when I do "ssh -X -C winbox notepad", it starts the winapp on
the windows display...
      Even "ssh -X -C winbox ; export DISPLAY=U10 ; notepad", starts
notepad on the winbox...

      What I installed on the winbox is cygwin, ssh and rxvt (not the whole
XFree86 project)

      So, any idea ?
      Do I have to install the XFree server too ? I noticed even from a
local XFree86 server, running notepad doesn't keep in the XFree86 window...

Thanks for answers,

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