Easy command to launch remote desktop on cygwin-xfree?

ratmice ratmice@yahoo.com
Thu Aug 8 18:04:00 GMT 2002

> I've already tried all of the different HOWTO's to try and get XDM going 
> without any success.  That was why I was hoping someone could give me a 
> command or two to get it going via SSH forwarding.
> Thanks,
> Craig

just hacked this out... it isn't ideal and requires... modification of 
the source...
it's based off an old x example xxterm.c, which was in the kdevelop examples

modify the machines at the beginning to your network
gcc -I/usr/X11R6/include -L/usr/X11R6/lib -o sxterm sxterm.c -lX11


it has 2 arguments, username and remote_command
if you want to run things w/ 2 different usernames you might fix it..
or run xsterm twice :)

oh my
command line parsing is badness, and if you want to use option 2, you 
should also provide option 1
ie this works for me
xsterm matt /usr/X11R6/bin/xeyes
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