Easy command to launch remote desktop on cygwin-xfree?

Thomas Chadwick j_tetazoo@hotmail.com
Fri Aug 9 09:50:00 GMT 2002

This has come up a number of times recently.  Look in the archives for July, 


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>From: "CRAIG SETERA" <seterajunk@charter.net>
>Reply-To: cygwin-xfree@cygwin.com
>To: cygwin-xfree@cygwin.com
>Subject: Re: Easy command to launch remote desktop on cygwin-xfree?
>Date: Thu, 08 Aug 2002 14:46:49 -0400
>I've already tried all of the different HOWTO's to try and get XDM going 
>without any success.  That was why I was hoping someone could give me a 
>command or two to get it going via SSH forwarding.

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