xwinclip re selection polling

Chris Twiner c_twiner@hotmail.com
Fri Aug 30 22:22:00 GMT 2002

>I can't tell if you have enough of an understanding of X11 to write a
proposed solution that actually makes sense.  At least, I can't make any
sense out of your proposal.

I understand what he's saying but XLib seems quite against the idea :

XSetIOErrorHandler is the first thing and the last thing that happens.  
Automagically unfortunately so it "can't" be recovered from.

What I'm confused about is what does this matter?  For me it's a great place 
to close the hook (stops the hook from not working the next time xwinclip is 
started). In fact the only thing for me now is to try and get a proper close 
notification when xwinclip is closed by the user. Ctrl-c doesn't cut it.  As 
an aside it comes back to the Windoze window being visible again (could put 
a button on it to disable xwinclip's activities, god knows why you'd want to 
though - as appose to just killing it then resarting it?-).

Do you want this information because having a client that is within the x 
server could cause a big problem when the server disconnects?  Personally I 
think we'd be better off keeping it out of XWin anyway, possibly have it 
start it but it really is a seperate tool KISS and all that.

Why do we need to know when the server is about to close?


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