xwinclip and dtsession

J S vervoom@hotmail.com
Fri Dec 6 04:07:00 GMT 2002

>J S wrote:
> > Are there any other ways to do copying and pasting in XFree86 other than
> > using XWinclip?
>If you only want to cut-and-paste only within X11 (not transferring the 
>to windows) the you don't need xwinclip. If you want to transfer the text 
>windows but can't use xwinclip, you can start an xterm from cygwin and do
>$ cat >/dev/clipboard
>an then paste the text to the xterm. End it with Ctrl-D (^D) on a new line
>the other way is
>$ cat </dev/clipboard
>and then select the text. Or you can write the text directly to 
>Maybe you'll have to change the lineendings. Then use
>$ recode ../CRLF >/dev/clipboard
>$ recode /CRLF.. </dev/clipboard
>NP: Terminal Choice - i don´t believe
>  Alexander.Gottwald@informatik.tu-chemnitz.de
>  http://www.gotti.org           ICQ: 126018723

Thanks for you answer Alex. Unfortunately I expect my users will want 
something more like Exceed where they just use their mouse.

Does xwinclip work with xdm on your machine? If I do:

xwin -query host -fp host:7100 -from mypc &
xhost + (in the xdm window)

It stops me being able to highlight text. Is there something wrong I'm doing 
in the above?

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