Rootless mode

David Fraser
Thu Dec 12 01:43:00 GMT 2002

Kensuke, Harold,
I was just wondering whether it would be possible to create a test build 
of the X server with this multi-window
mode. Obviously there are issues with it but I presume they only come up 
in multi-window mode?
It would just be really nice to see it beginning to work - this is 
something lots of people have wanted for a long time,
congratulations for getting it going!


Harold L Hunt II wrote:

> JS,
> Kensuke titled his message ``rootless mode'' when it should really 
> have been titled ``multi-window mode''.  The goal of multi-window mode 
> is to create a Windows-window for each top-level X Window, rather than 
> creating one huge window for your entire X desktop.
> Harold
> J S wrote:
>>> Kensuke,
>>> The new patch is an architectual improvement.
>>> However, when I run it, if I move a window it gets moved, then it 
>>> jumps back to its original position and retraces the move path that 
>>> I took it on, over and over again until I feel like I will throw 
>>> up.  :)
>>> I am not sure what is causing this problem, but obviously the queue 
>>> of messages is not being cleared and is instead being looped through 
>>> repeatedly.
>>> My log file from this session is on the web:
>>> (33 KiB)
>>> The unpacked log file is 800+ KiB.
>>> Harold
>>> Kensuke Matsuzaki wrote:
>>>> Harold,
>>>> It remains only for debugging.
>>>>> Am I correct that the root window is still being drawn, even 
>>>>> thought it is
>>>>> not really usable?  Is that something that remains to be fixed, or 
>>>>> did I
>>>>> have something go wrong with my patching?
>>>> By the way, this is new patch that integrates XWin and the window 
>>>> manager.
>>>> Kensuke Matsuzaki
>> How does this patch change what Rootless mode already does? I thought 
>> that rootless mode already integrated the window manager? I have 
>> windowmaker running, and when I'm in rootless mode the xterms come up 
>> with windowmaker frames. Can you integrate with the Windows windows 
>> manager?
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