Rootless mode

John Buttery
Thu Dec 12 05:39:00 GMT 2002

* Kensuke Matsuzaki <> [2002-12-12 21:10:54 +0900]:
>  To build XWin.exe, please read

  I should have figured that out without being told, sorry.  I'm now
getting the source via CVS.  There sure is a lot of it; I hope x86 is
still a standard architecture when it finishes. :p

>  The patch can be applied as shown in the following command
> $pwd
> ~/x-devel/xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xwin
> $bunzip2 rootless.patch.bz2
> $patch -p1 < rootless.patch
>  I edited xc/config/cf/cygwin.rules to disable version controlled .dll,
> but is it right?

  I don't understand this question.  If you're asking if a change you
made causes your instructions to break, I'll let you know when I try

  When I get a modified version of XWin.exe out of this process, can
other people just download it and drop it in to their own Cygwin
installs?  (presumably they would back up their current XWin.exe first)
Let me know...if this is the case, I'll put my modified version online
somewhere for people who don't have the patience/bandwidth/disk space to
build their own.

  After the patch is applied, do I just go back up to the root directory
and run "make"?  Then find the built XWin.exe and copy it over to the
directory where the current one lives? 

 John Buttery
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