Window manager?

Sean LeBlanc
Mon Feb 4 07:43:00 GMT 2002

I see in the FAQ that XFCE and vtwm are available as pre-compiled binaries.
The FAQ doesn't mention where to get them, though. Also, I'm not really
familiar with these window managers (I run KDE on my FreeBSD box, and GNOME
on my Linux box; I have limited exposure to some others like CDE, olwm and
blackbox), so are there any other window managers that people have as
favorites? I see there is a KDE-Cygwin project, but I haven't installed that
yet - anyone have any experiences to share about KDE on Cygwin/XFree86? I
realize a window manager can be a religious issue, but I'm looking for
something a little more robust than twm, and easy to install...


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