Creation of postgres user to cygwin fails.
Wed Feb 13 01:14:00 GMT 2002

I tried to install postgreSQL to service as mentioned in the document
but I can not get it working properly because I have problem in the
creation and login in as postgres-user to cygwin.
After creating the postgres-user to Cygwin and trying to login to Cygwin as
a postgres-user, I am getting following kind of error:

      Administrator@NERIAH /usr/X11R6/bin
      $ login
      login: postgres
      You are successfully logged in to this server!!!
      login: no shell: /bin/bash: Permission denied

      Administrator@NERIAH ~

I am running Windows 2000, and I am logged to Windows as a as a user which
is local Administrator and belongs
to my companys NT-Domain. The postgres user which I created to Windows, is
local user.

If I logon to Windows 2000 as a local postgres-user, and open
cygwin-console, then it shows in the console that I am
logged in as a postgres-user just fine.(If I then would try to login as an
Administrator, I would get the same permission denied
message what I explained above.)

I tried to read documentation from ntsec in
but I really did not catch up what I should do...


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