Has anyone compiled Rox successfully?

Michael Bourgon michael_bourgon@yahoo.com
Wed Feb 20 09:38:00 GMT 2002

Howdy.  I'm a newbie to X on Cygwin, but I've gotten
Windowmaker up and running on it, and wanted to try
out Rox after reading about it.  So far, I've
installed/compiled glib, python, gtk+, python,
libxml2, gdk-pixbuf,
libiconv-1.6.1-cygwin-shared-bin.tar, and rox-base. 
When I try to run install.sh inside rox-1.2.0, it
starts compiling ROX-Filer/Apprun, and I get this
error message after a bunch of messages:

find.c:32: fnmatch.h: No such file or directory
make: *** [find.o] Error 1
Compile failed

I've found a copy of fnmatch.h in my gtk+ tarball, and
have tried putting it in the /src directory, the
rox-base directory, the ROX-Filer directory, and in
/tmp, all with no luck.  

Does anyone know what I should do next? 
Many thanks,

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