Log filling up

Cary Jamison Cary.Jamison@powerquest.com
Wed Feb 27 08:21:00 GMT 2002

Modifying the code to put the log in /dev/null certainly doesn't seem like an attractive solution.  If I were to go that far, I would rather just search for where the particular message is output that is causing the problem and disable it.

Do others not have this problem?  The only unique thing about my setup is that I use Andrei Gourianov's goScreen as a virtual desktop manager under windows.  I haven't tested to see if this affects the XWin.log or not.  I can't imagine that it would, since the log fills up even when my desktop is set to the one where X is running, so it shouldn't see any difference.

What is the purpose of this message (winCursorOffScreen () - hmm...)?  It seems pretty useless.

It would seem like a good idea to be able to configure where the log file goes, though.  I never like seeing such things hard coded in a program.


Cary Jamison
(801) 705-8685 voice
(801) 705-4685 fax

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