xfree problem

Harold L Hunt huntharo@msu.edu
Mon Jul 1 18:00:00 GMT 2002

Chris, Pierre,

> >I sent a patch to cygwin that should take care of the
> >symptom.
> There is a new snapshot available which incorporates this patch.

I got my machine back to a state where it produced the xterm error by I
uninstalling and reinstalling XFree86-bin, XFree86-lib,
XFree86-startup-scripts, and XFree86-xserv.  Then I stopped defining the
CYGWIN=ntsec environment variable, then I removed the entry for `hunt' that
was added to /etc/passwd by `mkpasswd -u hunt -d'.  Now I get the permission
denied error again from xterm (only after all steps above were completed did
the error return).

Now I get dumped into /home/Administrator when I open Cygwin's bash prompt (as
opposed to /home/hunt).  A sample `ls -l' from /usr/X11R6/bin gives:
-rwxr-xr-x    1 Administ None       691712 Jan 21 08:59 xterm.exe

I downloaded and installed the cygwin1-20020701.dll snapshot at 20:43 EDT.

Now when I run startxwin.bat or startxwin.sh, Cygwin/XFree86 (XWin.exe),
twm.exe and xsetroot.exe all startup, but xterm.exe never displays a thing. 
In fact, xterm.exe just crashes and hangs around until I kill it with Task
Manager.  (Before I installed the snapshot, I was getting a launching
xterm.exe that gave the `permission denied' error.)

Here is a stack trace:
http://www.msu.edu/~huntharo/xwin/xterm-patch01-strace.out.bz2 (308 KiB)

1) strace didn't stop until I went into Task Manager and killed xterm.exe

2) There were *two* xterm.exe processes, one taking about 7 MB and the other
about 4 MB of memory.  When I killed one they both went away and strace stopped.

Hope that helps,


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